RainFurrest 2015 Dealers Den
RF 2015 Dealers Den Map

Table # | Business Name | Table # | Business Name | |
1 | Jan / Tiger Knight Comics (2015 Artist GOH) | 32 | Lagarto Custom Leather | |
2 | Amadhia Albee (2015 Music GOH) | 33 | Lagarto Custom Leather | |
3 | RedHyena (2015 Fursuit GOH) | 34 | Lagarto Custom Leather | |
4 | Dragondyne Publishing | 35 | Winter Soul Studios | |
5 | Art of Yote | 36 | Eskiworks | |
6 | Dream Machine Costumes | 37 | Rukis | |
7 | Evil Space Cat Productions | 38 | LuvCherie Jewelry | |
8 | Loopine Metal Works | 39 | DragonStorm Sports | |
9 | Loopine MetalWorks | 40 | KiRAWRart | |
10 | Con*Tact Soap and Scent Company | 41 | KiRAWRart | |
11 | GuiltyFox Apparel | 42 | GeekStar Costuming | |
12 | Kiriska | 43 | Baka Tatsu Design / Mitti | |
13 | Marci McAdam / Dark Natasha | 44 | Inkpawz Art | |
14 | Sofawolf Press | 45 | Cooner Arts! / Gideon's Corral | |
15 | FurPlanet Productions | 46 | Davecko | |
16 | FurPlanet Productions | 47 | Jazzycat and Lilchu | |
17 | Poetigress (2015 Writing GOH) / Jess E. Owen | 48 | Ian Jay Super Comics / Nero O'Reilly | |
18 | Kitsumi | 49 | Crystumes / Spyn's Treasure Trills | |
19 | Likeshine | 50 | Pandora House Crafts | |
20 | Wicked Creatures | 51 | Nilsson Studios | |
21 | WerePuppy / Rabbit Valley | 52 | SixthLeafClover | |
22 | Onnanoko / P. Moss Art | 53 | Say Drax Industries | |
23 | Onnanoko / P.Moss Art | 54 | SayDrox Industries | |
24 | Painteddog | 55 | jill0r / JILLCOSTUMES / Matrices.net | |
25 | Alastair Wildfire | 56 | Story of the Door | |
26 | Alastair Wild Fire | 57 | Mango Island | |
27 | Baxens Scribbles n Stuff | 58 | RACK Leather Goods | |
28 | PingiHats | 59 | Vantid | |
29 | Kacey Miyagami | 60 | Sabretoothed Ermine | |
30 | Inanimate Sloth Bear Press | 61 | Cute Kick | |
31 | Inanimate Sloth Brear Press | 62 | Warhorse Workshop |
After recent concerns about how the dealers selection process was performed, RainFurrest has put together a statement, and complete explanation of the process used to select dealers for RainFurrest 2015 - RainFurest 2015 Dealers Selection Process
Please be aware that Dealers, Assistants, or Secondary Dealers will not be allowed to attend RainFurrest without agreeing to our Conduct Policy & RainFurrest Dealers Den Terms of Agreement.
Tax Collection
Permanent Business License - If you have a permanent Washington State Business License, then you can just add the sales of your products at RainFurrest to your annual tax reporting and it's easy for everyone.
Temporary Business Certificate - If you apply for a Temporary Business Certificate, then you can follow the directions on that and can report taxes yourself. You can read about and apply for the certificate on Washington State Department of Revenue - Temporary business activity. If, you would like to check your Tax ID status you can go to Washington State Department of Revenue - Look Up Business Information.
Sorry, no refunds, transfers, rollovers, or deferments will be given on any membership or table fees in whole or part.
Dealers and Money at the Convention
RainFurrest highly recommends that if the hotel you are staying at has Safe Deposit boxes dealers use them to store their cash, alternatively, if the hotel has a room safe, you use that. RainFurrest makes no claims of the security of the Dealers Room after hours. While we have never had a problem (and hope never to) and do take reasonable precautions about room security, nothing is perfect.
Dealer's FAQ'S
Where is the Dealers Den located?
The Dealers Den will be in the Conference Center in Crystal Ballrooms A, B, & C. Map
Why should I want to be a dealer at RainFurrest?
We are one of the premier furry conventions in the world! Currently we are the world's fourth largest with over 2700 attendees and 500 fursuiters in the parade in 2014, and steadily growing every year!
What is required to be a Dealer?
You must:
- Be at least 18 years old.
- Have a valid Washington State Tax ID.
- Have a Membership to RainFurrest 2015.
- Have the ability to attend the convention.
- Agree to Conduct Policy & RainFurrest Dealers Den Terms of Agreement. You will be required to sign these documents before setting up.
Can I have an assistant?
Yes! You can have assistants to help you set up and/or sell your merchandise. Assistants MUST be registered with Dealers Den staff and sign the terms of agreement. Assistants are not required to have their own Tax ID, but they cannot sell any merchandise of their own. Assistants are only permitted to sell the merchandise of other dealers with valid Tax IDs. Assistants are otherwise required to follow all the same rules as dealers.
Can I let a friend sell at my table with me?
Yes! This is what we call a "Secondary Dealer". Secondary dealers MUST be registered with Dealers Den staff and sign the terms of agreement. Secondary dealers are required to follow all the same rules as dealers and must have their OWN Tax ID. Unlike assistants, secondary dealers selling their own merchandise cannot operate under the primary dealer's Tax ID. Secondary dealers must have permission from the primary dealer to sell at that table, and the primary dealer still takes all responsibility for what happens at their table, no matter of who is selling.
How many assistants and secondary dealers can I have?
You can have no more than three (3) combined assistants & secondary dealers.
If I have questions about Dealers Den stuff, who do I talk to?
Please contact us at dealers@rainfurrest.com.
Where can I find the most up to date information about the Convention and Dealers Den?
The RainFurrest Website is the most accurate source for the information that you, as a dealer, need to know about RainFurrest. Check the site at least once a week for updates. We will also publish information @RFDealers on Twitter to keep you up to date.
Is my convention membership included in the price of my Dealers Den Table?
No, you must buy your membership separately, however this is part of the dealer application process.
What do tables cost?
Tables will cost the following:
- $30 - half-table (New Dealers Only)
- $45 - 1 table
- $45 - 2nd table
- $85 - Island corner table
What do convention memberships cost?
Please see the Registration page on the RainFurrest website for the most up to date information about membership levels.
What if I have my own standing displays and don't want a table?
We can have the table removed for you, but you must let us know in advance.
How do I start my application to be a Dealer?
The link will be at the top of this page when applications are being taken.
I already have a convention membership. Can I use that one or do I have to buy a special Dealer membership?
If you have already purchased a convention membership for 2015 you can use that membership for Dealers Den. There is not a separate membership type for dealers.
I don't use PayPal. Can I send you a check for my membership?
Yes. After you have been approved and we send you the payment link you may select pay by Check/Money Order. You can print out a payment form which will have our mailing address. You can then mail in your payment with the form.
Do I need to purchase my membership when I pay for my table(s)?
What size are the tables?
72" x 30"
What can I sell at RainFurrest?
RainFurrest is about all things Furry! This year's theme is "Swords and Sorcery"; we encourage your merchandise to reflect that focus. If you are unsure of whether your merchandise is appropriate please email and ask! Over the years RainFurrest has seen both flat and 3D art, clothing, props, jewelry, games, t-shirts, adult toys, leather goods, music, fursuits/partial, soap, pottery, plushies, collectibles, books, comics and graphic novels, the possibilities are nigh endless!
What can't I sell at RainFurrest?
These include, but are not limited to:
- Personal services (tattooing, body piercing and similar).
- Unlicensed/bootleg merchandise.
- Food and/or drink.
- Flammable/incendiary items other than candles, torches, helpers and incense sticks. (Note: Candles, incense, etc. may not be lit for demonstration purposes.)
- Firearms, no exceptions.
- Scents and perfumes may be limited if the smells are overbearing and affecting other attendees.
- Items that are considered completely unacceptable include items where the possession of, sale of, or the crossing of state boundaries constitutes a criminal act.
- Any other item prohibited for sale in the state of Washington, King county, or the city of SeaTac.
- Please email dealers@rainfurrest.com if you have any concerns about your merchandise.
I can't make it but I have a friend who can take my table. Can they just come instead of me?
No, sorry. This is considered subletting and RainFurrest does not permit it. The primary dealer must be present at their table during the convention. RainFurrest reserves the sole right to approve dealers for the Dealer Den. If you are unable to attend the convention, please let us know immediately so that we can allocate your table to someone else.
Can I appoint an agent to sell my items in the Dealers Den?
No. You can have assistants help sell your merchandise, but the primary dealer must still be present at their table and cannot use an agent or proxy.
What is your badging policy?
In addition to the RainFurrest badge, dealers and assistants will be issued a ribbon designating them access to the Dealers Den once they sign the RainFurrest Dealers Den Terms of Agreement and Conduct Policy. To be behind a table or to be in the Dealers Den during setup hours you MUST have one of these ribbons on your badge. This ribbon can NOT be given to another person and can only be issued by the Dealers Den staff.
What about payment?
All payments for tables and memberships for dealers are due no later than February 28th, 2015.
I sell adult items. Can I be a vendor at RainFurrest?
Yes. If you are selling adult items (this includes drawings of PG13+ and BDSM items, etc.) you MUST agree to the following:
- It is your responsibility to ensure that minors (Under 18) do not have access to any adult items. This can be done by checking their badge before allowing attendee to look at any said item.
- Anything on display (visible to people near your table) must be PG-13 rated. This may include the use of stickers to cover visible genitalia or other appropriate areas. Adult materials may be shown to specific people provided you have checked their badge to ensure they are of legal age. Artwork is considered to be adult if:
- It contains exposed genitalia or representations of genitalia.
- It depicts a sexual act.
- It depicts realistic violence where the victim is shown to be seriously injured.
- It depicts any other content that, according to State law, makes it unsuitable for younger viewers.
- If we hear or see that you have adult items which are easily visible to children, you will receive one warning (since your definition of adult items may be less strict than some of our attendees), and will be expected to rectify the situation immediately after receiving your warning. If you require a second warning, RainFurrest will require that you meet with the Convention Chair.
I sell music. Anything special I need to do?
Yes. Please plan to play your music by providing headphones for your listeners. Speakers are not allowed.
Am I allowed to sell outside the Dealers Den or outside selling hours?
What will selling hours be?
Dealers Den will be open to the public during the following hours:
- Thursday 12 AM - 6 PM
- Friday 10 AM - 6 PM
- Saturday 10 AM - 6 PM
- Sunday 10 AM - 4 PM
When will the setup and registration hours be?
Dealers Den will be tentatively open only to dealers and assistants for setup during the following hours:
- Thursday, 8:30am - 12pm & 6pm - 6:45pm
- Friday, 9am - 10am & 6pm - 6:45pm
- Saturday, 9am - 10am & 6pm - 6:45pm
- Sunday, 9am - 10am &amo 4pm - Approx. 6pm
When can I register my assistants or secondary dealers?
Assistants and secondary dealers can be registered with the Dealers Den staff at any time. They must sign the Dealers Den Terms of Agreement at the convention in order to be eligible.
What do I need to have with me when I check-in?
You need to have a government issued ID and a valid, current Washington State Tax ID.
Where can I park or unload/load from?
You may park in the parking garage below the conference center and use the elevators to get to the Crystal Ballroom. You may also temporarily park at the guest entrance to the conference center accessible on 176th St. You will need to walk through the lobby and the Emerald pre-function area to get to the Dealers Den. You may not bring panel vans or trailers as there is no where they will fit. Also please do not park in the valet parking by the elevators to unload/load. The hotel will ticket you. Map
Will there be internet connectivity and what will it cost?
We will make every effort to provide internet connectivity, but it will not be guaranteed. It will be free, if available.
Will there be electricity?
Yes, we will do our best to supply electricity to as many Dealers' as possible.
How much storage space is there behind the table?
Unfortunately the answer is "not much." Depending on location, the space available behind the table can range from 30" to 42" which includes the space for chairs for dealers and their assistants. In some cases for some dealers, keeping an entire weekend's stock at their table in the Dealer's room will be impractical. We highly encourage our dealers to plan how they will manage and replenish their stock-on-hand during the convention.
Can I get access to the loading dock?
What happens if I don't show up?
Dealers who do not show by Friday September 25th, 2015, at 3 PM PDT will lose their table. It will be given to the next available dealer. The only exception is if prior arrangements have been made with the Dealers Den lead.
Can I post signs and specialty displays at my table?
You may use the table anyway you like, but certain restrictions apply:
- Each Dealer is restricted to the use of the space on top of, and immediately behind, their table.
- Side stands may be permitted, but only upon the approval of the Dealers Den Lead.
- You may not encroach on your neighbor's space (including neighbors behind you) without their permission. Please be courteous.
- Displays that include lights (including videos with no sound) are permitted as long as they do not annoy your fellow dealers and/or attendees and are not strobe lights or similar.
- Dealers may only post items on the walls and floor using materials approved by Hilton Seattle Airport & Conference Center. Specifically, the only tape usable on the carpet is Gaffers tape, and the only tape allowed on the walls is painter's tape (blue or green).
- You are responsible for any damages you incur by hanging items on the walls.
- Nothing can be hung on any door frames.
What is my liability as a dealer?
Dealers are responsible, within reason, for any damage to hotel property and/or equipment loaned to them due to inappropriate use. Hotel property and equipment may not be modified in any way, including but not limited to: holes, chips, paint, glue or damage due to rough or inappropriate behavior. RainFurrest or Hilton are not liable for any personal injury or damage to equipment or property caused by the inappropriate use of hotel equipment, such as falling while standing on a chair or table. Please use provided equipment responsibly.
Can I get a refund?
Sorry, no refunds, transfers, rollovers, or deferments will be given on any membership or table fees in whole or part.
Where can I check the status of my Tax ID?
Where can I see a copy of the Dealers Den Terms of Agreement?
Here is a link to the RainFurrest Dealers Den Terms of Agreement.
How do I get a WA Tax ID?
You can acquire a temporary Tax ID very easily by going to Washington State Tax ID registration site and filling out your information.
What does it cost to get a WA Tax ID?
It's free! Getting a WA State temporary Tax ID costs you nothing, just remember to pay your taxes after the event!
How long does it take to get a WA Tax ID?
If you've had a WA State temporary Tax ID in the past, your UBI number will be the same as before. In this case you just need to renew it for the new event, which takes 1-2 business days to process. If you have never had a WA State temporary Tax ID before, you will be issued one via email (and later via snail mail) within 2 business days.