RainFurrest 2015 Fursuit Dance Competition

Sign Up

To sign up for the Rainfurrest 2015 Fursuit Dance Competition, please send an email to dancecomp@rainfurrest.org. Please include your fursuit name and attach a copy of your audio file. Dance competition signups close September 21st. We must have your audio file by this deadline. You will receive a confirmation response that we have you signed up for the competition and that your audio file is accepted.

You may sign up for the dance competition in person at the preliminaries; day and time TBA, check your pocket programs at con. You will need a digital copy of your music selection to sign up at preliminaries.

Costume Requirements

For this competition, a fursuit is minimally defined as an animal costume with a full encompassing head piece, hand paws, and tail.

Audio Requirements

Audio files must be in common formats such as MP3, FLAC, WAV, ACC, etc. Submitting your audio file to us early allows us to test and make sure your file will play on our system. Please take care to send the highest quality of your audio file.

Please bring an USB drive or data CD of your audio file. Audio CDs, phones, media players, steaming/file sharing websites will NOT be accepted. Your song selection or mix must be less than 2 minutes/120 seconds long overall. You do not have to use the entire time limit. Group entries will be allowed an additional 30 seconds per dancer in the group. When possible please edit your file to have an fade in and out. Also please keep your music selection friendly for all ages; a good rule to follow is if your music selection would be suitable for FM radio airplay.


Because of the incredible volume of dance competition signups, we will be holding a preliminary tryout event; time and day TBA, check your pocket programs at con. Preliminaries will have a separate panel of judges and the dance space will be closed to the public to keep your routine secret. The preliminary judges will be selecting the top 15 dancers to compete in the final competition.

All final competitors are required to report to the Theater at least 30 minutes before the start of the dance competition; time and day TBA, check your pocket program at con. PLEASE ENTER THROUGH THE HEADLESS LOUNGE as the front Theater entrance will be locked to ensure privacy before show. By arriving early the competitors will have the opportunity to practice on the dance floor in privacy from the public.

Competitors will dance in a randomly determined order. The lineup will be announced in the Theater before the start of the competition. Dancers are required to stay in the headless lounge until given an five minutes warning before their turn.

Judging Criteria

There will be 3 judges separate for the final competition. Judges will be evaluating criteria in originality, technical difficulty, and execution, each with their own strengths.

Each of these three categories will be based on a 0-10 number scale by each judge and tabulated before the next competitor begins. The top three places will be announced after the final competitor finishes. In the event of a tie for 1st place, a predetermined song will be played for head to head competition in a 'floor wars' format, one dancer at an time for the audience to determine an winner.