RainFurrest 2015 Charity Anthology Project
Starting in 2011, RainFurrest sponsored an anthology containing stories written with our theme in mind. All proceeds will benefit RainFurrest charities as long as the books are being sold. After a huge success in 2012 we are decided to continue doing an anthology for our charities each year.
Here is the information about the RainFurrest 2015 Anthology Project
Current Submission Status: Open
Submission Deadline: March 8, 2015 (see below for additional notes)
Editors: Rainfurrest anthology team, send submissions to Anthology@rainfurrest.com
Word Count: 6,000 - 12,000 words
Rate of Pay: All submissions from writers and artists will be considered donated and all proceeds will go to the Rainfurrest charity.
Theme: Swords and Sorcery
Some examples of this theme are the Arthurian Legends, Lord of the Rings/Hobbit, The Dragon Lance series by Weis and Hickman, Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson and The Spell Singer series by Alan Dean Foster.
Rating: G to PG-13 for the regular Anthology and R to X for the Adult Anthology (the adult Anthology will only be published if there is enough interest shown by authors to allow us to go forward with the project.)
Please submit all work and questions to Anthology@rainfurrest.com
- March 8th, 2015: Initial submissions due. Stories will be picked and returned by 03/31/15 for those selected for the Anthology.
- May 2nd, 2015: 2nd draft due. Drafts will be reviewed and returned 06/01/15 for final editing by the author.
- June 30th, 2015: Final submissions due. (Final Deadline may change due to publishers needs but authors will be informed in a timely manner if that happens.)
If you participated in the 2014 writing competition and would like to expand and enhance your story in order to submit to the 2015 Anthology we invite and encourage you to do so.
Important Notes:
Accepted stories are exclusive to the Rainfurrest anthology for a period a six months from date of publication. After that point authors have full rights to their stories and may post them or submit them elsewhere, etc.