October 5th 2011 - 2012 Pre-Pregistration. |
Registration is open, please visit Registration to register.
September 30th 2011 - Thanks for Camping with Us! . |
We want to thank each and every one of you for coming this year, all 1420 of you. (a 36% increase over 2010), we are working on getting our 2012 Webpage going soon.
We expect to open Dealers Room and Art Show in early December 2011.
See you all next year!
September 22nd 2011 - Registration Hours!. |
Registration is located Penninsula B and will be opening tonight at 7:00PM
September 10th 2011 - Registration Closed and Webpage Updates!. |
PreReg has Closed! See all of you at RainFurrest
Also, we have updated the dealers page, with a room map, and the art show page with a artist list, check them out at Dealers Den and Art Show
August 27th 2011 - More Webpage Updates!. |
We have updated the dealers page, with some recomendations for dealers and a more complete (but not yet final) list of dealers, you can see this information here.
We have also updated the webpage with information about setting up the electronic schedule on your smart device, (we have instructions for iOS, Android, WebOS, Palm, Windows Phone/Mobile, and Symbian as well as for those without Smart Phones.) you can see this information here.
We have also updated our travel page with info for Ham Radio Operators, if you are a ham, and have a 2 Meter Radio, bring it! We have picked a calling frequency for convention attendees. As always, there are more updates in the pipe to come shortly!
August 23rd 2011 - Pre-Registration Closes on September 7th. |
Pre-Registration for Rainfurrest 2011 closes on September 7th at midnight. After this date, you will no longer be able to pre register for the convention at the preregistration price. In addition, payment for any unpaid items or memberships must arrive by September 16th, or those items or memberships will be lost.
August 22nd 2011 - How to Cancel at the Hilton. |
The Hilton is still sold out, However we have plenty of room at the Clarion. If you need to cancel your room at the Hilton, please email our hotel person, Gene, at hotel@rainfurrest.com and we will cancel it for you. This way, RainFurrest can make them available to others.
August 9th 2011 - RainFurrest Staff Meetings! |
RainFurrest needs you!
Would you like to be a part of one of the top furry conventions in the world? We're still looking for dedicated staff to help us in hosting what our attendees continue to call "the best furry convention in the world!"
No matter if you just want to work a few hours during the convention, or you'd like to get involved in the behind the scenes of the convention year round, or even just want to contribute your ideas!, we have room for you on our ever growing team!
The best way to get involved is to come to one of our meetings, so below is our meeting schedule for the rest of 2011.
September 10th 1:00PM - At The Hotel
September 17th 10:00AM - At The Hotel
August 5th 2011 - Website Updated! |
We have made a large update to our website!, We have posted a full set of rules for the 2011 Artist Alley, we also split our Hotel and Travel pages, we now have an excelent guide to getting to the hotel, its located at our Travel and Directions page, we also placed a copy of the GOH Dinner Menu on the Events Page, and last but not least, we have posted an early edition of our full event schedule, it as usual is located on our Events Page.
Onward and updward!, in the coming weeks we will be putting more information about the events planning for RainFurrest, the Digital Schedule for Smartphones, and more events updates, furthermore, keep an eye out for our upcoming newsletter! Less then 60 days 'till RainFurrest! I know we can't wait!
August 4th 2011 - Art Show still has spaces! |
To Register or For more Information, please visit here for more informatiom about the 2011 RainFurrest Art Show.

The RF BBQ was huge sucess we had a turnout of over 80 people! We look forward to seeing you all at RainFurrest!
May 30th 2011 - Artist Alley Info. |
It's official! RainFurrest will be having an artist alley for campers this year! While we have not finalized all the details, there are three very important notes about Artist Alley.
- You MUST have a Washington State Tax Permit to get a table in the Artists Alley. You can obtain info on how to do that on our Dealers Den page.
- The price for half a table will be $15 a day.
- To get space for Artist Alley, you MUST show up each day when
sign-up opens for Artist Alley to get space. There will be no "get a
space for the whole event" sign-up.
May 17th 2011 - New Overflow Hotel! |
We have filled our room block, and now have an overflow hotel! - For more information please visit our Hotel page for more information!.
February 14th 2011 - Happy Valentines Day. |
Happy Valentines Day, everyone! We would like to spread the love, and
to show our support for the mate of our Guest of Honor at the same time.
We are asking for some financial assistance from the attendees of our
event to help get Nightfox over here from Germany so that Tani and
Nightfox can be together at Rainfurrest. To do this, we have set up
two methods to donate to the cause.
First, we have added the ability to add a "donation" item to your
shopping cart in the registration system. This will let you add one or
more multiples of 5$ to put forward as much money as you would like to
Second, we have set up the the handy-dandy paypal link below
to accept donations! All funds go straight to covering the cost of
airfare for Nightfox from his home in Germany to Seattle. Simply fill
out the amount, and click the button!
February 14th 2011 - Looking for translators |
We would like to announce that we are looking for people to help
translate the website into other languages. As you have probably noticed,
at the top of the website we have several flag icons, but many of them
don't do anything yet. We are wanting to help show our support of the
international furry community by trying to get together a team of
translators to help us translate the website. Bahanix has helped us a
lot by providing a full French translation, and that gets us launched,
but we're still looking for people who can help translate other
languages, especially German.
If you would like to help us translate the website into another
language, please contact us!
December 17th 2010 - Plushie Mascot Contest |
RainFurrest announces a contest to create a custom mascott, we want your creative juices flowing! There is a lot more information, please visit our Forums.