Registration is now open!



Guest of Honor Info
Artist Guest of Honor: Monika Livingstone
Fan Guest of Honor: Stalking Cat
Writer Guest of Honor: Phil Geusz
Musical Guest of Honor: Alexander James - Faerie-Tale Minstrel / Heather Alexander

RainFurrest is the newest anthropomorphic con in the Pacific Northwest and will take place from August 24th through the 26th of 2007 at the Holiday Inn, SeaTac, Washington. With the support of the the local furry and sci-fi communities, RainFurrest will be the most fun and exciting furry convention in the region. So hop in a plane, train, bus, or car and be a part of the fun!


Octover 18th, 2007

So as some of you may know, our website was down for a little while. Well don't get your panties in a bunch. The person whom is hosting our web server moved, and the re-connection of his internet took a lot longer than anyone expected. So no harm done, the website is back up and running and as good as ever.

Also, be sure to keep coming back here, because the website is going to undergo a major transofrmation hopefully by the end of the month, and all the new information for next year will be on by then. We have some surprises up our sleeves but we'll wait for the website remodel before revealing them.

See you soon!


September 13th, 2007

So, after a little bit of down time I have finally had a chance to update the website again. We had a great con, and although we announced a membership totoal of 366, our actual final reg number was 370. We found out after the convention that some people who were not marked fully paid got left out, and a few people on staff didn't actually go through the reg desk to pick up their badge. So that put our count off a little bit.

On the 15th of september there will be a firing party, where everyone who worked on staff this year will be fired, and recieve the gift of free pizza. In addition anyone who wants to work next year should show up and sign up to do jobs. those who worked this year get first pick at jobs however. We will also do a secret ballot for employee of the year award.

I hope to see you all soon.  

Con Organization Meeting Schedule:

These meetings are open to everyone, we want to hear feedback from everyone to make this convention the very best we can.

September 15th, 2007 -- Roundtable Pizza in Overlake, 12:00pm to 3:00pm. Firing Party!

For more information, please contact Gene Armstrong by clicking Contact Us