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Convention Charity

Sarvey Wildlife

This year, our charity donations will be made to Sarvey Wildlife. In choosing the charities we donate to, we want to take several things into consideration. The first thing is to decide whether our donations will be put to good use. The second is to find out if the organization really needs our donations. The third is to make sure that the organization is doing something good for the animals.

We feel that Sarvey Wildlife meets all of these qualifications. These people rescue, rehabilitate, and release all kinds of birds of prey every year. "In 2005 Sarvey took in 3339 animals, 14 Bald Eagles alone, 174 Raptors total, making Sarvey the largest bird of prey rehabilitation center in the northwest." - Sarvey Wildlife, About Us page

Please feel free to donate and help this wonderful organization out. You can visit them at