About Rain Furrest
RainFurrest is the newest anthropomorphic con in the Pacific Northwest
and will take place from August 24th through the 26th of 2007 at the
Holiday Inn, SeaTac, Washington. The furs
in this area have rallied together and, with the support of the furry and sci-fi communities, we are creating
what we hope will become one of the best anthropomorphic conventions
in the area. So hop on a plane, train, bus, or car and come join us!
Mail-in registration is done a little differently than most conventions.
We request you use the online Registration link on the left menu, and then at
the end, it will ask you how you wish to pay. When it does, simply choose
"Mail In" and it will provide you with a form you can print out which will
contain all of your registration information, and an address to send the
money in to. This will allow us to make sure that things don't get lost and
no transposition errors occur.
Our Staff List
- Chairmen - Gene Armstrong
- Personal Assistant - Christine Herman
- Hotel Liaison - Bobbie DuFault & Jerry Geiseke
- Charity Liaison - Rocky
- Special Projects - K. Ashadan Sachertorte
- Treasurer - Ari Goldstien, James Stringer
- Art Show - Glenn Wooten , Sumarra,Rainrat, BigKitty
- Dealers Den - Glenn Wooten, Rainrat, & Lord Strega
- Artist Alley - Glenn Wooten,
- Operations Lead -
- Conops - Northpaux, Trapa, Verdauga, Whitepaws, KayFox
- Security - Ravenwood, Dave, YoteFolf, Warhorse
- Engineering - KayFox
- Gophers - Selkit, ChaosWolf
- Logistics -
- Registration - Loial Otter, KayFox, Sparkling
- Hospitality - Fleetwolf
- Promotional - Alohawolf
- PR/Pocket Programs -
- Con Book - K'sharra, cyRex Wolf, Davecko Fox
- Advertising -
- T-Shirts - Off World Designs
- Webmaster - Whitepaws
- Website Design -Jurann , K'sharra
- Website Programming - Tank "Trapa" Winters
- Programming Director - Gene Armstrong
- Assistant Dir. of Programming - Miles
- Events Theatre - cyRex Wolf
- Dance - cyRex Wolf
- Masquerade - Xodiac
- Video - Vergerwolf
- Fursuiting Panels - Xodiac
- Artist Panels - Doc McDowell
- Writing Panels - Fox Cutter
- SecondLife Panels - Miles
- Art Jam - Mortain
- Gaming (Console) - Caladon
- Gaming (Tabletop) - Caladon